Save our Rivers

Save our Rivers
Importance of Play in Education:  Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination. As per NCF 2005, theatre is one of the most powerful yet least utilized art forms in education. This script of play will help students to realize importance of rivers in our life. They will understand that it is our responsibility to keep the water bodies clean. To make it more interesting, some songs may be added. The script may also be used for role plays, one act plays, animation etc. Stage direction will give necessary guidance for setting the stage.
1.       Narrator
2.      Gangotri  glacier
3.      Yamunotri  glacier                                                         
4.      Ganga                                                                         
5.       Yamuna
6.       Brahmaputra
7.      Beas
8.      Kaveri
9.      Narmada
10.  Bay Of Bengal
11.  Arabian Sea

12.  Indian Ocean

13.  Five students in school uniform


1.      River map of India
2.      The students enacting as glaciers may be in white.
3.      The students enacting  rivers may be in light blue colour. They may wear crown or sash displaying their respective names.
4.      The students enacting as seas/oceans may be in deep blue.
5.      Few placards for stopping river pollution.

Scene 1

Stage directions: The glaciers, rivers and seas/oceans are having a round table conference.
Ganga: Oh God! I am so busy these days. Who has called this meeting?
Narmada: I don’t know. Even I had to rush for this meeting. Is there anything serious here?
Yamuna: I have called this meeting with a very heavy heart. There is 70% water on this earth. We rivers  are lifeline of human beings still we are not treated well by them.

Stage direction: All the water bodies nod their heads in sadness.

Gangotri  glacier: I am located in Uttarkashi district. My ice melts and forms  river Ganga through Bhagirathi river.  I always give pure water. Then what’s the matter.  Rather I also  have a complaint. I am shrinking due to global warming.

Kaveri: We all have a mythological history. We are considered goddesses and then also people don’t treat us well. Our Big brothers will suggest us few steps that we can take to get rid of pollution from our bodies.

Indian ocean: Yes sisters, we shall definitely help you. First tell us your problems.

Ganga: Brother, There are many reasons of our pollution.  The increase in the population and various human activities are responsible for our pollution. People bathe, wash clothes and their animals in us.
Yamuna:  On top of it, people worship gods and goddesses and then immerse those idols in us. The harmful  paint and chemicals pollute my water. (Sobbing) People don’t  realize what they are doing to us?

Stage Direction:  River Kaveri wipes off  tears of river Yamuna and tries to console her.

Brahmaputra:  I am a river that is prone to natural disasters like flood and erosion which has a negative impact on overall development of my state, Assam.
                   Bay of Bengal:  Sister Ganga, I accept any quality of water from you. Your journey ends here  But my journey starts. There  is evaporation of water, condensation, rains  and water  Falling back into rivers.   We all are doing our work diligently but human population is not  Respecting us.   

Scene 2
Kaveri:  The states fight for my water but no one wants to take responsibility of protecting us. A prime factor for my pollution is plastic refuse. You can see plastic carry bags and tea cups floating on me.
Beas:  I am so sad. I have now turned into a source of dumping garbage and other waste material. This has posed  threat not only to my future but also to aquatic life.
Narmada: In the midst of all sad new, I have a good news to share. Now few people are getting passionate about saving us. There are awareness campaigns to revive us. :  Namami Narmade! This is the awareness programme in Madhya Pradesh for my conservation. A large number of saplings have been planted alongside my bank. I hope to get back to my original shape soon. I hope the same for you my friends.
Ganga: I have a hope now. Look at those children, they are holding placards to protect us.
Stage Direction: Five students are on the stage holding placards to save rivers.
Indian Ocean: Come here children. All of you need to have passion for natural gifts.  Always remember Mother Nature is always speaking. She speaks in a language understood within the silent mind of the observer. Forests,lakes and rivers, clouds and winds, stars and flowers, glaciers and tiny snow flakes leave a lasting impression upon the soul of the man.
Scene 3
Stage Direction: All the water bodies move back and children holding placards are in front of the stage.
Child 1: Friends, today I have understood my role in protecting rivers. I promise I will never throw wrappers of chocolate and chips in  water.
Child 2: Yes, how difficult it must be for fishes to breathe if we dirty river water. How selfish of us!
Child 3: I will also ask my parents to not to immerse idols and other material in water
Child 4: Rivers not only give us water. They also give us lessons for life. They tell us to flow continuously removing all obstacles in your path.
Child 5: Yes friends,that’s true. Now let us sing this poem and then take a pledge

Stage Direction:  All the children sing together and take a pledge.
A river flows through mountains, plains and towns,
Sometimes flowing straight, sometimes going round.
Its water is enjoyed by all, be it a king or a clown,
Bringing happiness to thirsty and smiles to faces that frown.
Never stopping, the river ends in a sea,
Giving happiness to civilization and everyone for free.
“We pledge to keep our rivers clean by not dumping garbage into them. We will also not bathe, wash utensils or animals in them. We will also not immerse idols of gods and goddesses in the river. We will plant trees near the river bank. We will also create awareness among people to rejuvenate rivers of India. Jai Hind
Sangeeta Sharma

